The Institute of Oriental Philosophy
IOP Journal Vol 13



・The Spirit of India--Buddhism and Hinduism (1) - Daisaku Ikeda / Ved P. Nanda


1. Religion and a New Century of Women. From Public Lectures:


・Amidst a World in Conflict: The Women of Islam and Us - Mari Oka

・Women in the World of Christianity: From the Religious Right to Feminist Theology - Katsuhiro Kohara

 ・A History of Women in Japanese Buddhism: Nichiren’s Perspectives on the Enlightenment of Women -  Toshie Kurihara

2. Publication Ceremony of the Sanskrit Lotus Sutra Manuscripts from
Cambridge University Library (Add. 1682 and Add. 1683), Facsimile Edition:

・Message - Daisaku Ikeda

・Message for the 21st Century as Depicted in the Lotus Sutra - Yoichi Kawada

3. From Public Lectures:

・Democracy, Education, and Value Creation - Larry A. Hickman

・Overcoming the Suffering of Life - Lou Marinoff

・Buddhist Cosmic Philosophy and Daisaku Ikeda’s Concept of Peace Cosmology - Amalendu Guha

4. Contribution:

・Peace Here and Now: Impulses for a New Peace Awareness - Eugen Biser

・The Contribution of Buddhism and Christianity to Peace in the World - Karl M. Woschitz

・Two Views of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi’s Attitude toward Japanese Militarism and Education - Dayle M. Bethel



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